

真実の富とは、お金だけでなく愛、思いやり、勇気等の善なるものであり、それがこの世に実現化したものが金銭等の富となって現れる。(思いは実現する。)富を得ようとするならば、まず「富を拒否しない。」ことが大事である。 (口ではお金が欲しいといいな…

恐怖と闘う最大の武器は「信仰心」The most powerful weapon to fight terror is “faith”

恐怖と闘う最大の武器は「信仰心」仏と自分が一体であるならば恐れるものは何もない (「Think Big」 大川隆法著 幸福の科学出版より引用)若い時には未知なるものへの恐怖に縛られて、動けなくなるものだがその時に勇気が必要である。(要旨)「恐怖と闘う…


参議院で首相問責決議案が可決される見通しとなった。 野田首相はただちに衆議院解散をするべきだ。特例公債法案を人質にとって、国民の不利益かえりみず大暴れするだろうが、 負けてはいけない。あ●まの断末魔だと思って、国民も耐えなくてはならない。2009…

「世界を変える不滅の勇気」 “Imperishable Courage Changing the World” by Master Okawa

「世界を変える不滅の勇気」2012 8月26日(日)「世界を変える不滅の勇気」大川総裁法話より。 李明博・韓国大統領の生霊が大川総裁のもとに現れたエピソードから、幸福の科学が世界に対して、すでに非常に大きな影響力をもっていることや、もう一段幸福の科学…

やっと民主党政権が国会を去りそうでよかった。 I am glad Democratic Party may leave Japanese Diet.

「天照大神のお怒りについて」(幸福の科学出版)より抜粋野田総理について天照大神のお言葉 「心のなかは汚い。銭勘定ばかりしている人間ですね。そんなことしか考えていない。まるで、金貸しの男のような感じがする。けがらわしい。汚い。」 「日本的な考…

最近の子供たちの自殺に思う What I think of recent suicide by children in Japan.


Telesthesia of “ Secret Military Base” for the People’s Liberation Army. 中国「秘密軍事基地」の遠隔透視

Master Ryuho Okawa has used his psychic power to investigate secret military base in China on July 17th 2012.The astonishing fact was that missiles were hidden in the mysterious holes, as already recognized by Google earth, in the Gobi Des…

Japan must accept nuclear power plant. 脱原発に反対!

Recent campaign about anti nuclear power plant after 2011 earth quake in North easetern Japan became rather hysteric and moved emotionally.The government conducted survey to ask people whether Japanese want nuclear plant or not. Many peopl…

Japanese Weekly Magagine "Shukan Shincho" violated copy right stealing spiritual message of Princess Masako. 暑い夏に週刊新潮が幸福の科学の「雅子妃守護霊の霊言」のお寒い盗用

Notorious Japanese weekly magagine Shukan Shincho has stolen Happy Science articles about "Princess Masako's Guradian Spirit". This is explicitly violation of copy right and showed their sneaking mentality. This incident showed that they o…

Korea should stop blaming Japan and encounter the threat Behind. 韓国は日本を非難するのをやめて真実の脅威である北朝鮮に対峙せよ。

Korea has been attacking Japan for asking for apology (and territory and money? I guess.).However, we must be careful of two dogs fight for a bone and the third run away with it. That means China and North Korea. Korea should be ashamed th…

Spiritual messages for the U.S. Secretary of States Hillary Clinton, Emperor Jinmu and next Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang were released now. 新たな霊言の開示 ヒラリークリントン、神武天王、 李克強次期中国首相

New spiritual messages were given by Master Okawa.1. Master Okawa called guardian spirit of U.S. Secretary of States Hillary Clinton reading Hillary Clinton's true intention about policies and deplomacy.What she really thinks about Preside…

Japan is far better country than China. 日本は中国とは比べ物にならないぐらい良い国

Many demonstrations calling for anti Japan were held in a lot of cities in China today. More than sixty years Japan has been contributing to peace and economic development in Asia after World War Two.Japan has been generously offering ODA …

Thank you for Japanese who landed Senkaku Islands today. 尖閣諸島上陸の日本人ありがとう!

Ten Japanese landed Senkaku Island today. I am glad that there are men(also women?) who have backbone in Japan.Now Japan is in middle of crisis surrounded by Russia, Korea and China all disputing over territorial issues.Now we face the rea…

Govonor Ishihara's Spiritual Message 石原都知事の霊言

Master Okawa called guradian spirit of Govenor Ishihara and asked his true intention and his thoughts about surrounding countries.Movie "The Mystical Laws" coming soon on Oct 6, 2012(English version available in Tokyo and other cities.) ht…

About anger of Amaterasu, the Japanese Goddess protecting Japan. 天照大神のお怒りについて。

On beginning of this year 2012, Master Okawa called spirit of Goddess Amaterasu for her spiritual message. Her messages were shocking and fearful for Japanese. She said she is very angry about current political situation and status of Japa…

Japan is so stupid to release HK activists landed Senkaku Islands. 日本の尖閣諸島の対応はお粗末。

Releasing Chinese from HK illeagally landed Senkaku Islands is so stupid. The Japanese Government couldn't do anything like a layman to protect our country. (What are we paying the tax for? They just claim for tax increase and do nothing a…


政府は、前回の尖閣諸島漁船の船長のような生ぬるい対応をとらないように、厳罰でのぞんでほしい。映画「神秘の法」2012年10月6日公開 (奇跡を体験しよう) http://shinpi2012.com/•酒井編集長守護霊の正体は?「週刊新潮」編集長・悪魔の放射汚染公開霊言抜…

Korean Soccer Performance in Olimpic revealed it's cheap nature. 韓国サッカーは五輪憲章違反でメダルはく奪を!

Athlete of the Korean Socce showed off placard with political message toward the world audience sitting in front of TV. It is definitely a politcal message and Korean athlete utilized the Olimpic game to take advantage of the territory mat…

What is Happiness Realization Party?

Happiness Realization Party is a Japanese political party established by Master Okawa, Japanese highly respected religious leader and founder of Happy Science. Movie "The Mystical Laws" coming soon on Oct 6, 2012(English version available …