Japan must accept nuclear power plant. 脱原発に反対!

Recent campaign about anti nuclear power plant after 2011 earth quake in North easetern Japan became rather hysteric and moved emotionally.

The government conducted survey to ask people whether Japanese want nuclear plant or not. Many people answered to remove the plant in the future.

However the accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was caused by tsunami and not by its defect or human error. Nobody directly died at the accident.

Rather after the accident many people died of heat attack trying to save electric power.

The government is irresponsible to let such an important decision make by layman.

They should ask 100 specialist of nuclear energy what to do.

If all of the nuclear power plant stops, electric cost will rise and factories and business cannot endure it go overseas. Also all Japanese people must accept the life in 1960s, no air conditioners and we will be poor.

And especially NHK (Japanese National Broad Cast or maybe Chinese national Broad Cast) is trying to lead national opinion to get rid of nuclear electric power plant by broadcasting interviews and demonstrations who oppose nuclear electric generation.

I wonder if it is true that NHK has stationed several Chinese resident staff in its facility.

If this is true, Chinese might occupy the facility and broadcast what they want.
(Like the tsunami scene in the movie “Rebirth of Buddha” ?)

NHK's broadcasting contents are prejudiced and carefully trying to lead Japanese to weaken the power of the country.

Movie "The Mystical Laws" coming soon on Oct 6, 2012(English version available in Tokyo and other cities.)



政府は、原発問題でアンケートをとりその結果で原発をゼロにしようとしているが、素人集団である国民の感情的な意見をもとに政策を決めるのは無責任だ。 これなら政治家はいらない。



特にNHK(中国国営放送?)は、脱原発をあおっている。 デモも反原発のデモばかり報道し、インタビューも原発反対の意見ばかり。







映画「神秘の法」2012年10月6日公開 (奇跡を体験しよう)


芥川龍之介が「週刊文春」に苦言 悪質報道からの「転業」を勧める?芥川龍之介が語る「文藝春秋」論評
