
Japanese Weekly Magagine "Shukan Shincho" violated copy right stealing spiritual message of Princess Masako. 暑い夏に週刊新潮が幸福の科学の「雅子妃守護霊の霊言」のお寒い盗用

Notorious Japanese weekly magagine Shukan Shincho has stolen Happy Science articles about "Princess Masako's Guradian Spirit". This is explicitly violation of copy right and showed their sneaking mentality. This incident showed that they o…

Korea should stop blaming Japan and encounter the threat Behind. 韓国は日本を非難するのをやめて真実の脅威である北朝鮮に対峙せよ。

Korea has been attacking Japan for asking for apology (and territory and money? I guess.).However, we must be careful of two dogs fight for a bone and the third run away with it. That means China and North Korea. Korea should be ashamed th…