Japan is so stupid to release HK activists landed Senkaku Islands. 日本の尖閣諸島の対応はお粗末。

Releasing Chinese from HK illeagally landed Senkaku Islands is so stupid. The Japanese Government couldn't do anything like a layman to protect our country. (What are we paying the tax for? They just claim for tax increase and do nothing at most important issue.)

Now we know the fact that agressive countries are trying to steal Japanese land, we must seriously discuss this matter nationwide and think about national defence.

U.S. will do nothing on those occations and we must reflect ourselves that we left the most important matter(National Defence) to other country (U.S.). Even though we appreciate U.S.'s efforts to protect Japan and deployment of Osprey.
We must do thing we can by ourselves. That is the matured country's attitude and we have been too childlish.

We should appreciate that this is a good chance to deploy the Maritime Self-Defense Force, our pride, to Senkaku Islands for defense.

If we don't try to protect ourselves, no other countries will protect Japan. Internationally it is a common sense to protect their own country.

We've learned from this incident that our constitution and law have defects to deal with agressive coutries that we must amend them to adapt to current situation.
We have no duty to stick to constitution made by other country.

Japanese are taking peace for granted too much. Germany has abandoned its constitution long time ago made by other country.

And also we must demand the Democratic Party to get out of the cabinet as soon as possible.
If it delays one day it causes a great loss.

We don't need any government who let invaders land our territory and don't let Japanese statesman land them.

I wonder if they are really a man.

To know more see:
The Liberty Web Global http://global.the-liberty.com/
Master Okawa Books

Movie "The Mystical Laws" coming soon on Oct 6, 2012(English version available in Tokyo and other cities.)








映画「神秘の法」2012年10月6日公開 (奇跡を体験しよう)


芥川龍之介が「週刊文春」に苦言 悪質報道からの「転業」を勧める?芥川龍之介が語る「文藝春秋」論評
